
Roxy Fusco

Vice President

I am a senior at Mira Costa High School and I love to surf and skate.


Winston Iskandar

Co-Founder, President

Hello, I'm Winston, a current sophomore at Mira Costa High School. Passionate about spreading computer science and cybersecurity education to the world, I co-founded Mathisi-fy—a 501(c)(3) non-profit sponsored by Google, HyperX, MalwareBytes, and more—that seeks to empower underrepresented students around the world with STEM education.

Dylan Iskandar

Co-Founder, Co-President

Dylan is currently a senior attending Mira Costa High School. He's an active CTF player and founded RGBsec, the U.S.'s #1 ranked H.S. cybersecurity team. He was awarded Grand Prize Winner of Google Code-in 2019 and First Place at the National Congressional App Challenge. Dylan is a researcher at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory working on a project on high-powered microwave (HPM) devices using AFRL's Improved Concurrent Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell (ICEPIC) with various genetic optimization algorithms. Dylan is also captain of 6.1one, Costa's top CyberPatriot team.

General Information

The Mira Costa Hack Club is a club lead by students that aim to teach high schoolers about technology with a hands on, project based learning approach. The Mira Costa Hack Club encourages self teaching of new technologies, and self directed projects. All levels are welcome, but most of our workshops will be tailored towards intermediate and beginner levels. We are also a chapter of a non-profit organization called Hack Club that supports us with advice, technical assistance, workshops, and swag.

Wait, Isn't Hacking Illegal?

By the word "hacking" we mean "a usually creatively improvised solution to a computer hardware or programming problem or limitation" -Merriam Webster. We will not break any systems or do anything illegal.